Arduino Projects

Welcome to my Arduino projects page. These projects are my attempt at rewriting the Arduino starter kit projects in C and were both written and compiled on Atmel Studio 7. The code for these can be found on my GitHub page.

Project 11: Crystal Ball

This project required interfacing to a Hitachi HD44780 compatible LCD and displaying randomly selected messages to the user, just like a magic 8 ball. The original design used a tilt switch but I replaced it with a push switch for convenience.

Project 10: Zoetrope

This variable speed dc motor is created using an H-bridge and pulse width modulation. Yes, I know the actual zoetrope is missing. But the cold, dreary machinery that powers it isn’t!

Project 9: Pinwheel

A simple dc motor that simply turns on and off. Like the zoetrope, only cold and emotionless machinery is present.

No happy pinwheel…Much happy spinning…

Project 8: Digital Hourglass

A timer that waits for 12 seconds before flashing all LEDs to signify time is up. Every 2 seconds an LED turns on to show the user how much time has passed. The device uses a tilt switch to reset the timer and lights. The original Arduino project book design called for a timer of one hour but that wouldn’t make for a fun video.

Project 7: Keyboard Instrument

Each button on the keyboard produces a different voltage that is read by a pin. Depending on the reading, a different frequency is played. The four tones played are:
middle C (262 Hz)
D (294 Hz)
E (330 Hz)
F (349 Hz)