About Me

Hi there and welcome to my site. My name is Diego and I’m a former catastrophe risk analyst turned firmware developer. I’m very interested in embedded systems, low-level programming, and how things work.

When I was young, I didn’t even like programming since dealing with a nit picky machine wasn’t as fun as going outside or playing video games. Something changed as I became an adult and slowly an interest for programming crept in. First, I started to enjoy the puzzle aspect of working with Excel formulas and SQL queries at my job. Then I took an MIT OpenCourseWare class on Python after work. Eventually I went back to school to earn a bachelor’s degree in computer science.

I thoroughly enjoyed the class on computer architecture and assembly language and and all the C programming classes. Now I work developing firmware for a hard drive manufacturer. Well now that you know a bit more about me, please enjoy this website!

A simple motor controller being constructed
A simple motor controller under construction

Technical Skills

  • Advanced: C Programming Language
  • Intermediate: Lauterbach Emulator, Perforce, ARM map files, MS Excel, ARM simulation traces
  • Operating Systems: Haskell, Python, SQL, ARM assembly, Git


B.S. in computer science
Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR

B.S. in mechanical engineering
University of Miami | Miami, FL